Lasik Eye Surgery in Sydney

LASIK eye surgery (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) is a procedure used to correct a range of vision conditions. This includes myopia (short-sightedness), presbyopia and hypermetropia (long-sightedness), and astigmatism. LASIK surgery reshapes the surface of the eye (the cornea) using a computer-controlled laser.

If you’re considering LASIK eye surgery in Sydney, or you’re exploring your other options for vision correction and myopia control, our team would be happy to assist you. Explore the information below for further details.

Advantages of Lasik Eye Surgery For Myopia Control

LASIK eye surgery is a common procedure, taking place under local anaesthetic (anaesthetic eye drops). It generally requires between five and ten minutes for each eye. When this procedure is performed successfully, the reshaped cornea will focus light rays directly onto the retina, improving vision. However, some patients may still require the aid of glasses or contact lenses for optimal vision.

LASIK eye surgery is relatively painless, and the results are almost immediate. Unlike other options for myopia control, LASIK is not ongoing, although further adjustments may be required to correct future age-related vision changes.

Is there any alternative to Lasik Surgery?

While some patients may opt for LASIK eye surgery, the invasive nature of the procedure means it is not for everyone. In this case, you may be interested in myopia control with orthokeratology.

Like LASIK, orthokeratology reshapes the cornea, except there is no need for surgery. With orthokeratology, the cornea contour is mapped, and specialised lenses are created to gently reshape the cornea overnight while you sleep. Ortho-K lenses, daytime contact lenses, and glasses will not need to be worn during the day. In this way, orthokeratology provides the same positive results for vision correction as laser eye surgery, but without the increased risks and costs associated with the procedure.