Orthokeratology Cost Comparison

Orthokeratology is a cost-effective treatment option for many. The initial cost for fitting and lens manufacture is slightly higher than a year’s supply of regular contact lenses, though it proves less expensive than laser surgery.

An initial fitting will require multiple appointments as Ortho-K lenses must be manufactured to suit each individual’s corneal topography. Following the first night’s wear a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to assess the initial suitability. Most of our patients see positive results the next day and find that they see more clearly throughout an entire day within the first week of wearing Ortho-K retainer lenses.

Depending on an individual’s circumstances, a Medicare rebate may be applicable, and certain private health care funds offer Ortho-K lens rebates or standard contact lens rebates to their customers.

Patients wishing to know how much orthokeratology in Sydney will cost can request an information pack or contact one of our local practices.